Thursday, October 4, 2007

Crazy, scary movie - The Exorcist Reviews

okay, this movie has been reviewed a lot already, and you've probably already read alot of what people say about this movie. whatever, this movies too good to ignore! I think i might have the crazy symptom Regen has, she's basically taken over by satan. and if you plan on seeing this movie, watch "the version you've never seen" it has all the added scenes:basically the directors cut. .....scary ***** wierd things begin to happen in the Whatshername's house, and its just called off as a coincidence at first. but then the mothers twelve year old daughter Regen starts she just hit puberty in maximum overdrive! talk about peeing in your pants, pukingup green crap (referring to puking during pregnancy, and jumping uncontrollably up and down on the bed (*wink wink*) but its gets funkier, she starts to cuss at people she loves, like when she said "F*** me!" to her own mom, and stabbed herself with a crucifix in her youknowwhere. the thing so scary about this movie is the idea that your soul can be taken over by satan, and it can happen to anyone! the first half hour will bore you though, all it is is weak conversations with elderly siblings, but it does seem to set up the story for you, and the little things in life make all the big things worth while.

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